Marketing and Advertising

How to Use HubSpot LinkedIn Ads to Grow Your Business 


LinkedIn is one of the most popular and powerful social media platforms for professionals and businesses. With over 740 million members and 55 million companies, LinkedIn offers a huge potential audience for your marketing campaigns1.

But how can you reach and engage your ideal customers on LinkedIn? How can you create ads that stand out and convert? And how can you measure and optimize your results?

That’s where HubSpot LinkedIn ads come in. HubSpot is a leading CRM platform that helps you manage your entire customer journey, from attracting visitors to closing deals. HubSpot also integrates with LinkedIn Ads, so you can create, manage, and analyze your campaigns from one place.

In this article, we’ll show you how to use HubSpot LinkedIn ads to grow your business. By the end of this article, you’ll have a clear understanding of how to use HubSpot LinkedIn ads to generate more leads and sales for your business. Let’s get started!

What are HubSpot LinkedIn ads and why should you use them?

HubSpot LinkedIn ads are a type of online advertising that allows you to promote your business on LinkedIn using HubSpot’s ads tool. You can create two types of ads: website visit ads and lead generation ads.

Website visit ads are designed to drive traffic to your website or landing page. You can use them to showcase your products, services, offers, or content.

You can also create website visit ads from one of your HubSpot landing pages, which makes it easy to create a consistent and seamless user experience.

Lead generation ads are designed to collect information from your prospects using a LinkedIn form. You can use them to generate leads for your email list, webinar, ebook, or any other offer.

You can also sync leads from your LinkedIn ads to HubSpot, which makes it easy to follow up and nurture them.

HubSpot LinkedIn ads have many benefits for your business, such as:

  • Reach a large and engaged audience of professionals and decision-makers on LinkedIn
  • Increase your brand awareness and credibility
  • Generate high-quality leads and sales for your business
  • Create personalized and relevant ads based on your HubSpot data
  • Manage and analyze your campaigns from one platform
  • Optimize your budget and ROI with HubSpot’s smart bidding and attribution features

How to connect your LinkedIn Ads account to HubSpot

Before you can create HubSpot LinkedIn ads, you need to connect your LinkedIn Ads account to HubSpot. This will allow you to access and manage your campaigns from HubSpot’s ads tool.

Here’s how to do it:

  • In your HubSpot account, click the settings icon in the main navigation bar.
  • In the left sidebar menu, navigate to Marketing > Ads.
  • In the top right, click Connect account.
  • In the dialog box, select LinkedIn.
  • In the pop-up window, log in to your LinkedIn account.
  • Review the permissions, then click Allow.
  • In the dialog box, select the LinkedIn Ads accounts to connect to HubSpot. If you want to track contacts that interact with your ads, leave the auto tracking switch toggled on. This will apply HubSpot tracking to your LinkedIn ads.
  • Click Connect.
  • In the dialog box, select the LinkedIn Ads accounts to sync leads from. Learn more about managing LinkedIn Ads accounts syncing leads to HubSpot2.

How to create LinkedIn ad campaigns in HubSpot

After connecting your LinkedIn Ads account to HubSpot, you can create HubSpot LinkedIn ads campaigns from HubSpot’s ads tool.

Here’s how to do it:

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Marketing > Ads.
  • In the upper right, click Create ad campaign, then select an ad type: website visit ad or lead generation ad.
  • In the top right, click Next.
  • Click the edit pencil icon at the top of the page to enter a name for your ad.
  • Set up ad creative. In the Ad tab, you can preview your ad in the right panel. For lead generation ads, you can click the left or right buttons to cycle between your ad, form, and thank you section. In the left panel, set up your ad creative and form:
    • Ad account: select the ad account for the ad.
    • Page: select the LinkedIn page for the ad.
    • LinkedIn campaign group: select an existing LinkedIn campaign group.
    • Website page URL: if you’re creating a website traffic ad campaign, you can select an existing HubSpot page or manually enter the URL of your website page.
    • Image/Video: upload an image or video for your ad.
    • Text/Body copy: enter text for your ad.
    • Headline: enter a headline for your ad.
    • Call-to-action: select a call-to-action for your ad.
    • LinkedIn lead gen form: if you’re creating a lead ad campaign, select an existing form, or create a new form. When users click on the call-to-action button on your ad, LinkedIn will prompt them to fill out a form. To use an existing form from your LinkedIn or LinkedIn page, click the LinkedIn lead gen form dropdown menu, then select one of your forms. To create a new form, click the LinkedIn lead gen form dropdown menu, then click Create new LinkedIn form3.
  • Set up targeting. In the Targeting tab, you can define your target audience for your ad. You can use the following criteria:
    • Location: select the countries, regions, or cities where you want your ad to appear.
    • Language: select the language of your target audience.
    • Audience attributes: select the demographic and professional characteristics of your target audience, such as job title, industry, company size, etc.
    • Audience network: select the LinkedIn network where you want your ad to appear, such as LinkedIn feed, LinkedIn inbox, LinkedIn audience network, etc.
    • Audiences: select the HubSpot audiences that you want to target or exclude from your ad. You can use website audiences, contact list audiences, or company list audiences. Learn more about targeting LinkedIn ads using HubSpot audiences4.
  • Set up budget and schedule. In the Budget & Schedule tab, you can define your budget and schedule for your ad. You can use the following options:
    • Bid type: select the bid type for your ad, such as cost per click (CPC), cost per impression (CPM), or cost per send (CPS).
    • Bid amount: enter the maximum amount you’re willing to pay for each click, impression, or send. HubSpot will suggest a bid range based on the competition and performance of your ad.
    • Daily budget: enter the maximum amount you want to spend per day on your ad. HubSpot will suggest a daily budget based on your bid amount and target audience size.
    • Total budget: enter the maximum amount you want to spend on your entire campaign. HubSpot will calculate the end date of your campaign based on your daily budget and total budget.
    • Start date: select the date when you want your ad to start running.
    • End date: select the date when you want your ad to stop running. You can also select No end date if you want your ad to run indefinitely.
  • Set up automation. In the Automation tab, you can enable or disable HubSpot’s smart features to optimize your ad performance. You can use the following options:
    • Smart bidding: HubSpot will automatically adjust your bid amount to get the best results for your budget. You can set a maximum bid amount and a target cost per result for your ad.
    • Smart rotation: HubSpot will automatically rotate your ads within a campaign group and show the best performing ones more often. You can set a minimum number of impressions and a minimum number of days before HubSpot starts rotating your ads.
    • Smart attribution: HubSpot will automatically attribute revenue to your ads based on the contacts’ interactions with your website and CRM. You can set a conversion window and a revenue attribution model for your ad.
  • Review and publish. In the Review tab, you can review your ad settings and preview your ad. You can also edit any section by clicking the edit pencil icon. When you’re ready, click Publish in the top right.

How to track and report on your LinkedIn ads in HubSpot

After creating your HubSpot LinkedIn ads campaigns, you can track and report on your results from HubSpot’s ads tool. Here’s how to do it:

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Marketing > Ads.
  • In the Campaigns tab, you can see an overview of your campaigns’ performance, such as impressions, clicks, conversions, cost, and ROI. You can filter your campaigns by account, network, type, status, or date range. You can also click on a campaign name to see more details, such as ad groups, ads, and contacts.
  • In the Contacts tab, you can see the contacts that interacted with your ads, such as views, clicks, submissions, and revenue. You can filter your contacts by account, network, type, status, or date range. You can also click on a contact name to see their timeline and activity history.
  • In the Attribution tab, you can see how your ads influenced your contacts’ journey, such as first touch, last touch, and assisted conversions. You can filter your attribution by account, network, type, status, or date range. You can also select a revenue attribution model to see how your ads contributed to your revenue.
  • In the Reports tab, you can create custom reports to analyze your ads data in different ways. You can use the report builder to select the metrics, dimensions, filters, and charts for your report. You can also save, share, and export your reports.

How to target LinkedIn ads using HubSpot audiences

HubSpot audiences are a feature that allows you to create segments of your website visitors, contacts, or companies based on their behavior and attributes. You can use HubSpot audiences to target or exclude your LinkedIn ads, which can help you reach the most relevant and qualified prospects for your business.

To use HubSpot audiences for your LinkedIn ads, you need to do the following steps:

How to optimize your HubSpot LinkedIn ads for better performance

Optimizing your HubSpot LinkedIn ads can help you improve your results, such as impressions, clicks, conversions, cost, and ROI. There are several ways to optimize your ads, such as:


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