Marketing and Advertising

How to Use Amazon Advertising Services to Boost Your Sales and Brand Awareness


Amazon is the largest and most popular e-commerce platform in the world, with over 300 million active customers and over 12 million products.

If you are a seller or a brand owner who wants to grow your business and reach more customers on Amazon, you need to use Amazon advertising services.

Amazon advertising services are a suite of online advertising solutions that allow you to promote your products or services on Amazon and other websites, apps, and devices.

They can help you increase your visibility, traffic, and sales on Amazon, as well as build your brand awareness and loyalty among your target audience.

In this article, we will guide you through the different types of Amazon advertising services, how they work, and what are the best practices and tips for each service.

We will also cover the benefits, costs, and tools for each service, so you can make an informed decision and get the most out of your Amazon advertising budget.

Types of Amazon Advertising Services

Amazon advertising services can be divided into two main categories: self-service and premium.

1. Self-Service

Self-service Amazon advertising services are the ones that you can access and manage yourself, using the Amazon advertising console or the Amazon advertising API.

They are also known as pay-per-click (PPC) or cost-per-click (CPC) advertising, because you only pay when someone clicks on your ad. They include:

  • Sponsored Products: Sponsored products are ads that appear on the search results page or the product detail page on Amazon, and feature individual products that are relevant to the customer’s search query. They can help you increase your product visibility, traffic, and sales on Amazon, as well as capture high-intent shoppers who are ready to buy.
  • Sponsored Brands: Sponsored brands are ads that appear on the search results page or the product detail page on Amazon, and feature your brand logo, a custom headline, and up to three products that are relevant to the customer’s search query. They can help you increase your brand awareness, consideration, and loyalty on Amazon, as well as drive customers to your store or product listing page.
  • Sponsored Display: Sponsored display are ads that appear on Amazon, other websites, apps, and devices, and feature your products or services that are relevant to the customer’s browsing or shopping behavior. They can help you reach and retarget customers across the web, as well as drive them back to Amazon to complete their purchase.

2. Premium

Premium Amazon advertising services are the ones that require a dedicated account manager or a third-party agency to access and manage, using the Amazon demand-side platform (DSP) or the Amazon attribution tool.

They are also known as cost-per-impression (CPM) or cost-per-view (CPV) advertising, because you pay based on the number of impressions or views that your ad receives. They include:

  • Amazon DSP: Amazon DSP is a platform that allows you to buy and manage display, video, and audio ads that appear on Amazon, other websites, apps, and devices, and feature your products or services that are relevant to the customer’s demographics, interests, behaviors, and intents. It can help you reach and influence customers across the web, as well as measure and optimize your campaign performance and ROI.
  • Amazon Attribution: Amazon attribution is a tool that allows you to measure and analyze the impact of your non-Amazon advertising channels, such as search, social, display, video, and email, on your sales and conversions on Amazon. It can help you understand how your customers discover, research, and buy your products on Amazon, as well as optimize your marketing strategy and budget allocation.

Benefits of Amazon Advertising Services

Amazon advertising services offer many benefits for sellers and brand owners who want to grow their business and reach more customers on Amazon.

Some of the main benefits are:

  • They can help you increase your visibility and exposure on Amazon, by showing your ads to millions of customers who are searching or browsing for products or services like yours.
  • They can help you increase your traffic and sales on Amazon, by driving customers to your product listing page or store, where they can learn more about your products or services and make a purchase.
  • They can help you increase your brand awareness and loyalty on Amazon, by showcasing your brand identity, value proposition, and product portfolio to customers who are interested in your niche or category.
  • They can help you target and segment your audience on Amazon, by using data and technology to deliver your ads to the most relevant and qualified customers based on their search queries, browsing or shopping behavior, demographics, interests, and intents.
  • They can help you measure and optimize your advertising performance and ROI on Amazon, by using analytics and feedback tools to track and evaluate your ad impressions, clicks, conversions, and sales.

Costs of Amazon Advertising Services

Amazon advertising services have different costs depending on the type of service, the platform, the format, and the bidding strategy that you use.

Some of the main costs are:

  • The cost per click (CPC) or cost per impression (CPM) of your ads, which depends on the competition and quality of your keywords, products, or services, as well as the budget and bid that you set for your campaigns.
  • The cost of hiring an account manager or a third-party agency to manage your premium Amazon advertising services, if you don’t have the time or expertise to do it yourself.
  • The cost of creating and optimizing your product listing page or store, which can include hiring writers, photographers, designers, or other content creators.

Tips for Amazon Advertising Services

Amazon advertising services can be complex and challenging, especially for beginners. It requires a lot of technical knowledge, skills, and tools to navigate the Amazon advertising ecosystem and execute successful campaigns.

That’s why it’s important to learn the best practices and tips for each service, such as:

  • Do product research and keyword research to find the most relevant and profitable products or services and keywords for your business.
  • Create and optimize your product listing page or store to be informative, engaging, and persuasive for your customers.
  • Choose the right Amazon advertising service, platform, format, and bidding strategy for your advertising goals, budget, and audience.
  • Design and write your ads to be eye-catching, clear, and consistent with your product listing page or store and your brand identity and message.
  • Test and analyze your ad campaigns to improve your ad quality, relevance, and performance, and to optimize your ad spend and ROI.


Amazon advertising services are a suite of online advertising solutions that allow you to promote your products or services on Amazon and other websites, apps, and devices.

They can help you increase your visibility, traffic, and sales on Amazon, as well as build your brand awareness and loyalty among your target audience.

In this article, we have provided you with a comprehensive guide on how to use Amazon advertising services to boost your sales and brand awareness.

We have also covered the benefits, costs, and tips for each service, so you can make an informed decision and get the most out of your Amazon advertising budget.

We hope this article has been helpful and informative for you. Thank you for reading and have a great day!


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