Marketing and Advertising

How to Advertise Your Business on Google with the Best Google Ads Products


If you want to advertise your business on Google and reach more potential customers, you need to use the best Google Ads products.

Google Ads products are different types of ads that you can create and run on Google and its network of websites, apps, and platforms. They can help you with various goals and objectives, such as brand awareness, lead generation, sales, and retention.

But with so many Google Ads products available, how do you know which ones are the best for your business? How do you choose the products that suit your budget, strategy, and experience level?

In this article, we will show you how to advertise your business on Google with the best Google Ads products, you will have a clear idea of how to advertise your business on Google with the best Google Ads products, and how to get started with them today.

The Top 5 Google Ads Products for Advertising Your Business on Google

Here are the top 5 Google Ads products that we recommend for advertising your business on Google:

1. Search Ads

Search Ads are text ads that appear on Google search results when people search for keywords related to your business, products, or services. Search Ads help you reach people who are actively looking for what you offer, and drive them to your website or landing page.

Some of the features that Search Ads offer are:

  • A headline, a description, and a URL that you can customize and optimize for your keywords and audience.
  • A variety of extensions that you can add to your ads, such as sitelinks, callouts, structured snippets, and more, to provide more information and options to your potential customers.
  • A smart bidding option that you can use to automatically adjust your bids based on your goals and performance.
  • A performance planner tool that you can use to plan and forecast your budget and results.

Search Ads are a great Google Ads product for advertising your business on Google because they help you reach people who are ready to buy, and drive qualified traffic and conversions to your website or landing page. Search Ads also have a high return on investment (ROI), and offer a lot of control and flexibility.


  • Reach people who are actively searching for what you offer
  • Drive qualified traffic and conversions to your website or landing page
  • High return on investment (ROI)
  • Control and flexibility over your ads, bids, and keywords


  • Can be competitive and expensive for some keywords and industries
  • Can be complex and time-consuming to manage and optimize
  • Can have low click-through rates (CTRs) and quality scores if your ads are not relevant and compelling


Search Ads use a pay-per-click (PPC) model, meaning that you only pay when someone clicks on your ad. The amount you pay per click depends on your bid, your quality score, and the competition for your keywords. You can set a daily or monthly budget for your Search Ads campaigns, and adjust it at any time. You can check out the average cost per click for your keywords using the Google Keyword Planner.

2. Display Ads

Display Ads are image, video, or text ads that appear on websites or apps that are part of the Google Display Network, a collection of millions of websites, apps, and platforms that reach over 90% of internet users worldwide. Display Ads help you reach people who are browsing online, and build brand awareness, interest, and loyalty.

Some of the features that Display Ads offer are:

  • A drag-and-drop editor that lets you create and edit your ads without any design skills or software.
  • A library of over 100 ad templates, and over 1 million images and icons that you can use for free or for a small fee.
  • A responsive ad option that automatically adapts your ads to different sizes and formats, depending on the device and placement.
  • A smart display campaign option that automatically creates, targets, and optimizes your ads based on your goals and performance.

Display Ads are a great Google Ads product for advertising your business on Google because they help you reach a large and diverse audience, and build brand awareness, interest, and loyalty. Display Ads also have a low cost per impression (CPM), and offer a lot of creativity and variety.


  • Reach a large and diverse audience across the Google Display Network
  • Build brand awareness, interest, and loyalty
  • Low cost per impression (CPM)
  • Creativity and variety of ad formats and placements


  • Can have low click-through rates (CTRs) and conversions if your ads are not relevant and engaging
  • Can have low quality and control over your ad placements and performance
  • Can have high ad fatigue and banner blindness if your ads are not refreshed and rotated


Display Ads use a pay-per-click (PPC) or a cost per thousand impressions (CPM) model, meaning that you pay when someone clicks on your ad or when your ad is shown 1,000 times, respectively.

The amount you pay per click or per impression depends on your bid, your quality score, and the competition for your ad placements.

You can set a daily or monthly budget for your Display Ads campaigns, and adjust it at any time. You can check out the average cost per click or per impression for your ad placements using the Google Display Planner.

3. Video Ads

Video Ads are video ads that appear on YouTube, the world’s largest video platform, or on websites or apps that are part of the Google Display Network. Video Ads help you reach people who are watching online videos, and capture their attention, emotion, and action.

Some of the features that Video Ads offer are:

  • A variety of video ad formats, such as skippable in-stream ads, non-skippable in-stream ads, video discovery ads, bumper ads, and outstream ads, that you can choose depending on your goals and audience.
  • A video ad builder tool that lets you create and edit your video ads without any video skills or software.
  • A video ad sequencing option that lets you show a series of video ads to the same person, and tell a story or deliver a message over time.
  • A video remarketing option that lets you show video ads to people who have already interacted with your website or YouTube channel, and remind them of your brand or products.

Video Ads are a great Google Ads product for advertising your business on Google because they help you reach people who are watching online videos, and capture their attention, emotion, and action. Video Ads also have a high engagement and retention rate, and offer a lot of impact and influence.


  • Reach people who are watching online videos across YouTube and the Google Display Network
  • Capture attention, emotion, and action with video ads
  • High engagement and retention rate
  • Impact and influence of video ads


  • Can be expensive and complex to produce and edit video ads
  • Can be intrusive and annoying for some viewers if your video ads are not relevant and valuable
  • Can have low view rates and conversions if your video ads are not optimized and targeted


Video Ads use a cost per view (CPV) or a cost per thousand impressions (CPM) model, meaning that you pay when someone views your video ad or when your video ad is shown 1,000 times, respectively.

The amount you pay per view or per impression depends on your bid, your quality score, and the competition for your video ad placements. You can set a daily or monthly budget for your Video Ads campaigns, and adjust it at any time.

You can check out the average cost per view or per impression for your video ad placements using the YouTube Ads Estimator.

4. Shopping Ads

Shopping Ads are product listing ads that appear on Google Shopping, a comparison shopping platform, or on Google search results, Google Images, YouTube, or the Google Display Network.

Shopping Ads help you reach people who are searching for products online, and drive them to your online store or physical store.

Some of the features that Shopping Ads offer are:

  • A product feed that lets you upload and manage your product information, such as title, description, price, image, and more.
  • A Google Merchant Center account that lets you create and manage your Shopping Ads campaigns, and track and optimize your performance.
  • A local inventory ads option that lets you show your products and store information to people who are searching for products near your physical location, and drive them to your store.
    • A smart shopping campaign option that automatically creates, targets, and optimizes your Shopping Ads based on your goals and performance.

    Shopping Ads are a great Google Ads product for advertising your business on Google because they help you reach people who are searching for products online, and drive them to your online store or physical store. Shopping Ads also have a high click-through rate (CTR) and conversion rate, and offer a lot of visibility and exposure.


    • Reach people who are searching for products online across Google Shopping and other Google platforms
    • Drive traffic and conversions to your online store or physical store
    • High click-through rate (CTR) and conversion rate
    • Visibility and exposure of your products and brand


    • Can be competitive and expensive for some products and industries
    • Can be complex and time-consuming to create and manage your product feed and campaigns
    • Can have low quality and control over your product information and performance


    Shopping Ads use a pay-per-click (PPC) or a cost per thousand impressions (CPM) model, meaning that you pay when someone clicks on your product listing or when your product listing is shown 1,000 times, respectively.

    The amount you pay per click or per impression depends on your bid, your quality score, and the competition for your product listings. You can set a daily or monthly budget for your Shopping Ads campaigns, and adjust it at any time.

    You can check out the average cost per click or per impression for your product listings using the [Google Shopping Ads Estimator].

    5. App Ads

    [App Ads] are app promotion ads that appear on Google search results, Google Play, YouTube, Gmail, or the Google Display Network. App Ads help you reach people who are looking for apps online, and drive them to download or use your app.

    Some of the features that App Ads offer are:

    • A universal app campaign option that automatically creates, targets, and optimizes your App Ads based on your goals and performance.
    • A dynamic app install ad option that automatically generates your app install ads based on your app information and assets.
    • A dynamic app re-engagement ad option that automatically generates your app re-engagement ads based on your app information and assets, and shows them to people who have already installed your app, and encourage them to use it again.
    • A app campaign for engagement option that lets you create and run app engagement ads to people who have already installed your app, and encourage them to take specific actions within your app, such as making a purchase, booking a reservation, or completing a level.

    App Ads are a great Google Ads product for advertising your business on Google because they help you reach people who are looking for apps online, and drive them to download or use your app. App Ads also have a high install and engagement rate, and offer a lot of automation and optimization.


    • Reach people who are looking for apps online across Google and its network of platforms
    • Drive installs and engagements to your app
    • High install and engagement rate
    • Automation and optimization of your app ads


    • Can be competitive and expensive for some app categories and markets
    • Can be difficult and costly to measure and attribute your app ads performance
    • Can have low quality and control over your app ads and placements


    App Ads use a cost per install (CPI) or a cost per action (CPA) model, meaning that you pay when someone installs your app or takes a specific action within your app, respectively.

    The amount you pay per install or per action depends on your bid, your quality score, and the competition for your app ads. You can set a daily or monthly budget for your App Ads campaigns, and adjust it at any time.

    You can check out the average cost per install or per action for your app ads using the [Google App Ads Estimator].

    How to Use the Best Google Ads Products Effectively

    Now that you know the best Google Ads products for advertising your business on Google, how do you use them effectively? Here are some tips and best practices to help you get the most out of these Google Ads products:

    • Define your goals and target audience. Before you start using any Google Ads product, you need to have a clear idea of what you want to achieve and who you want to reach. This will help you choose the right Google Ads products and strategies for your business.
    • Use a combination of Google Ads products. No single Google Ads product can do everything for you. You need to use a combination of Google Ads products that complement each other and cover different goals and stages of your customer journey. For example, you can use Search Ads to reach people who are searching for your products or services, Display Ads to reach people who are browsing online, Video Ads to reach people who are watching online videos, Shopping Ads to reach people who are shopping online, and App Ads to reach people who are looking for apps online.
    • Learn and experiment. The best way to use any Google Ads product is to learn and experiment with it. You can use the free education and support that Google Ads offers, and also look for other resources and tutorials online. You can also try different features and options, and see what works best for your business.
    • Track and measure your results. The only way to know if your Google Ads products are working for you is to track and measure your results. You can use the reporting and analytics tools that Google Ads offers, and also use other tools such as Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and Firebase. You can also set up goals and KPIs (key performance indicators) to measure your progress and success.
    • Optimize and improve. Based on your results, you can optimize and improve your Google Ads strategies and tactics. You can use the tips and recommendations that Google Ads offers, and also look for other best practices and examples online. You can also test and compare different versions and variations, and see what performs better.


    Advertising your business on Google is essential for any business that wants to grow and succeed in the digital age. However, advertising on Google can be challenging and complex, and requires the right Google Ads products and skills.

    In this article, we have shown you how to advertise your business on Google with the best Google Ads products.

    We have introduced you to the top 5 Google Ads products that we recommend for advertising your business on Google, and explained how to use them effectively.

    We have also compared their features, pros, cons, and pricing, and provided you with links to their websites where you can learn more or sign up for a free trial.

    We hope that this article has helped you learn how to advertise your business on Google with the best Google Ads products, and how to get started with them today.


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